PubMed 11406197
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Automatically associated channels: Cav1.2
Title: Multiple structural elements contribute to voltage-dependent facilitation of neuronal alpha 1C (CaV1.2) L-type calcium channels.
Authors: C Altier, R L Spaetgens, J Nargeot, E Bourinet, G W Zamponi
Journal, date & volume: Neuropharmacology, 2001 Jun , 40, 1050-7
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Voltage- and frequency-dependent facilitation of calcium channel activity has been implicated in a number of key physiological processes. Various mechanisms have been proposed to mediate these regulations, including a switch between channel gating modes, voltage-dependent phosphorylation, and a voltage-dependent deinhibition of G-protein block. Studying such modulation on recombinant Ca channels expressed in oocytes, we previously reported that alpha(1C) L-type calcium channel contrast with non-L type Ca channels by its ability to exhibit facilitation by pre-depolarization (Voltage-dependent facilitation of a neuronal alpha(IC) L-type calcium channel, E. Bourinet et al., EMBO Journal, 1994; 13, 5032-5039). To further analyze this effect, we have investigated the molecular determinants which mediate the differences in voltage-dependent facilitation between "facilitable" alpha(1C) and "non facilitable" alpha(1E) calcium channels. We used a series of chimeras which combine the four transmembrane domains of the two channels. Results show that the four domains of alpha(1C) contribute to facilitation, with domain I being most critical. This domain is required but not sufficient alone to generate facilitation. The minimal requirement to observe the effect is the presence of domain I plus one of the three others. We conclude that similarly to activation gating, voltage-dependent facilitation of alpha(1C) is a complex process which involves multiple structural elements were domains I and III play the major role.