Basic Structure
General architecture of a Voltage-sensor domain Pore domain voltage-gated ion channel. (A) Each subunit is composed of six transmembrane helices named S1–S6 flanked by intracellular N and C termini. S1–S4 forms the voltage-sensor domain, VSD (green) with a positively charged S4, and S5–S6 forms the pore domain (orange) with the selectivity filter (red). (B) Four subunits tetramerize to form an ion channel with a central poreforming unit (orange) surrounded by four VSDs (green). The intracellular N and C termini are removed for clarity. (C) A change in membrane voltage moves S4 charges in outward direction leading to the opening of the ion channel.[65]
Börjesson SI
et al.
Structure, function, and modification of the voltage sensor in voltage-gated ion channels.
Cell Biochem. Biophys.,
, 52 (149-74).
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