

Description: Kv channel-interacting protein 2
Gene: kcnip2
Alias: Kchip2, kcnip2, KChIP2a, KChIP2b

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Compelling evidence from transgenic mice, immunoprecipitation data, gene expression analyses and functional heterologous expression studies supports the role of Kv channel interacting proteins (KChIPs) as modulators of Kv4 channels underlying the cardiac transient outward current and neuronal A-type current (An et al. 2000 [1195]; Rosati et al. 2001 [1198]; Kuo et al. 2001 [1197]; Bähring et al. 2001 [1199]; Guo et al. 2002a [1200]; Patel et al. 2002 [1201]. KChIPs are calcium-binding proteins with four EF-hands that slow inactivation kinetics and accelerate recovery kinetics of Kv4 channels. (Patel [127])

Kcnip2 (also known as KCHIP2; MGC17241; DKFZp566L1246) encodes a member of the family of voltage-gated potassium (Kv) channel-interacting proteins (KCNIPs), which belongs to the recoverin branch of the EF-hand superfamily. Members of the KCNIP family are small calcium binding proteins. They all have EF-hand-like domains, and differ from each other in the N-terminus. They are integral subunit components of native Kv4 channel complexes. They may regulate A-type currents, and hence neuronal excitability, in response to changes in intracellular calcium. Multiple alternatively spliced transcript variants encoding distinct isoforms have been identified from this gene.



Species NCBI gene ID Chromosome Position
Human 30819 10 17826
Mouse 80906 19 24163
Rat 56817 1 23792



Species NCBI accession Length (nt)
Human NM_014591.5 2469
Mouse NM_145703.2 2414
Rat NM_020094.2 2370


Protein Isoforms

Species Uniprot ID Length (aa)
Human Q9NS61 270
Mouse Q9JJ69 270
Rat Q9JM59 270


Length (nt)
Length (aa)


Post-Translational Modifications




KChIP2 predicted AlphaFold size

Species Area (Å2) Reference
Human 1431.72 source
Mouse 1382.00 source
Rat 1473.18 source

Methodology for AlphaFold size prediction and disclaimer are available here

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The predominant effects of all 3 KChIP2 splice variants on hKv4.3-encoded current are to increase the density, slow the current decay in a Ca2+-dependent manner, and hasten recovery from inactivation in a splice variant–specific fashion. (Deschenes [128])

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Expression and Distribution

KChIP2 is the only member of the KChIP family expressed in the heart. (Deschênes [128])

KChIP2, KChIP3, and KChIP4 are robustly expressed in adult mouse posterior (visual) cortex and all three proteins coimmunoprecipitate with Kv4.2. (Norris [1202])

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CNS Sub-cellular Distribution

KChIP2 expression in the t-tubules and the nucleus of heart muscle cells (in human and canine left ventricle) (Deschenes [128])

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The functional effects of all of the KChIP2 splice variants on hKv4.3 current decay expressed in mammalian cells diminish rather than enhance the mimicry of cardiac Ito current. Although mouse KChIP2 was shown to be necessary for expression of Ito in mouse heart (Kuo [1199], other data cast doubt on the notion that KChIP2 alone is responsible for the density gradient and biophysical features of native human and canine cardiac Ito. (Deschênes [128])

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NS5806 modulated K(V)4 channel gating depending on the presence of KChIP2, suggesting that NS5806 can potentially be used to address the molecular composition as well as the physiological role of cardiac I(to). ( Lundby [1203])



Deschênes I et al. Regulation of Kv4.3 current by KChIP2 splice variants: a component of native cardiac I(to)?
Circulation, 2002 Jul 23 , 106 (423-9).


Patel SP et al. Regulation of Kv4.3 voltage-dependent gating kinetics by KChIP2 isoforms.
J. Physiol. (Lond.), 2004 May 15 , 557 (19-41).

An WF et al. Modulation of A-type potassium channels by a family of calcium sensors.
Nature, 2000 Feb 3 , 403 (553-6).

Patel SP et al. Heterogeneous expression of KChIP2 isoforms in the ferret heart.
J. Physiol. (Lond.), 2002 Mar 15 , 539 (649-56).

Ozgen N et al. Determinants of CREB degradation and KChIP2 gene transcription in cardiac memory.
Heart Rhythm, 2010 Jul , 7 (964-70).



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