PubMed 1322451
Referenced in: none
Automatically associated channels: Kv4.1 , Slo1
Title: Alkaloid-modified sodium channels from lobster walking leg nerves in planar lipid bilayers.
Authors: C Castillo, R Villegas, E Recio-Pinto
Journal, date & volume: J. Gen. Physiol., 1992 Jun , 99, 897-930
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Alkaloid-modified, voltage-dependent sodium channels from lobster walking leg nerves were studied in planar neutral lipid bilayers. In symmetrical 0.5 M NaCl the single channel conductance of veratridine (VTD) (10 pS) was less than that of batrachotoxin (BTX) (16 pS) modified channels. At positive potentials, VTD- but not BTX-modified channels remained open at a flickery substate. VTD-modified channels underwent closures on the order of milliseconds (fast process), seconds (slow process), and minutes. The channel fractional open time (f(o)) due to the fast process, the slow process, and all channel closures (overall f(o)) increased with depolarization. The fast process had a midpoint potential (V(a)) of -122 mV and an apparent gating charge (z(a)) of 2.9, and the slow process had a V(a) of -95 mV and a z(a) of 1.6. The overall f(o) was predominantly determined by closures on the order of minutes, and had a V(a) of about -24 mV and a shallow voltage dependence (z(a) approximately 0.7). Augmenting the VTD concentration increased the overall f(o) without changing the number of detectable channels. However, the occurrence of closures on the order of minutes persisted even at super-saturating concentrations of VTD. The occurrence of these long closures was nonrandom and the level of nonrandomness was usually unaffected by the number of channels, suggesting that channel behavior was nonindependent. BTX-modified channels also underwent closures on the order of milliseconds, seconds, and minutes. Their characterization, however, was complicated by the apparent low BTX binding affinity and by an apparent high binding reversibility (channel disappearance) of BTX to these channels. VTD- but not BTX-modified channels inactivated slowly at high positive potentials (greater than +30 mV). Single channel conductance versus NaCl concentrations saturated at high NaCl concentrations and was non-Langmuirian at low NaCl concentrations. At all NaCl concentrations the conductance of VTD-modified channels was lower than that of BTX-modified channels. However, this difference in conductance decreased as NaCl concentrations neared zero, approaching the same limiting value. The permeability ratio of sodium over potassium obtained under mixed ionic conditions was similar for VTD (2.46)- and BTX (2.48)-modified channels, whereas that obtained under bi-ionic conditions was lower for VTD (1.83)- than for BTX (2.70)-modified channels. Tetrodotoxin blocked these alkaloid-modified channels with an apparent binding affinity in the nanomolar range.