PubMed 20556823
Referenced in: none
Automatically associated channels: Kv1.5
Title: Association of a KCNA5 gene polymorphism with systemic sclerosis-associated pulmonary arterial hypertension in the European Caucasian population.
Authors: J Wipff, P Dieudé, M Guedj, B Ruiz, G Riemekasten, J L Cracowski, M Matucci-Cerinic, I Melchers, M Humbert, E Hachulla, P Airo, E Diot, N Hunzelmann, P Caramaschi, J Sibilia, G Valentini, K Tiev, B Girerd, L Mouthon, V Riccieri, P H Carpentier, J Distler, Z Amoura, I Tarner, B Degano, J Avouac, O Meyer, A Kahan, C Boileau, Y Allanore
Journal, date & volume: Arthritis Rheum., 2010 Oct , 62, 3093-100
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