PubMed 20054004
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Automatically associated channels: Cav1.2
Title: Conformational changes induced in the voltage-gated calcium channels Cav1.2 by BayK 8644 or FPL-64176 modify the kinetics of secretion independently of Ca2+ influx.
Authors: Merav Marom, Yamit Hagalili, Ariel Sebag, Lior Tzvier, Daphne Atlas
Journal, date & volume: , 2010 Jan 6 , ,
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The role of the L-type calcium channel (Cav1.2) as a molecular switch that triggers secretion prior to Ca(2+) transport has previously been demonstrated in bovine chromaffin cells and rat pancreatic beta cells. Here, we examined the effect of specific Cav1.2 allosteric modulators, BayK 8644 (BayK) and FPL64176 (FPL), on the kinetics of catecholamine release, as monitored by amperometry in single bovine chromaffin cells. We show that 2 microm BayK or 0.5 microm FPL accelerates the rate of catecholamine secretion to a similar extent in the presence either of the permeable Ca(2+) and Ba(2+) or the impermeable charge carrier La(3+). These results suggest that structural rearrangements generated through the binding of BayK or FPL, by altering the channel activity, could affect depolarization-evoked secretion prior to cation transport. FPL also accelerated the rate of secretion mediated by a Ca(2+)-impermeable channel made by replacing the wild type alpha(1)1.2 subunit was replaced with the mutant alpha(1)1.2/L775P. Furthermore, BayK and FPL modified the kinetic parameters of the fusion pore formation, which represent the initial contact between the vesicle lumen and the extracellular medium. A direct link between the channel activity and evoked secretion lends additional support to the view that the voltage-gated Ca(2+) channels act as a signaling molecular switch, triggering secretion upstream to ion transport into the cell.