

Description: potassium voltage-gated channel, subfamily G, member 3
Gene: Kcng3
Alias: Kv6.3, kcng3, kv10.1

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Kv6.3, encoded by the gene KCNG3, is a member is a gamma subunit of the voltage-gated potassium channel, subfamily G. Kv6.3 is thought to be a delayed-rectifier type channels that may contribute to cardiac action potential repolarization. NCBI

Experimental data



Species NCBI gene ID Chromosome Position
Human 170850 2 105630
Mouse 225030 17 58143
Rat 171011 6 47953



Species NCBI accession Length (nt)
Human NM_133329.6 3709
Mouse NM_153512.1 3356
Rat NM_133426.2 1586


Protein Isoforms

Species Uniprot ID Length (aa)
Human Q8TAE7 436
Mouse P59053 433
Rat Q8R523 433


Length (nt)
Length (aa)


Post-Translational Modifications


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Visual Representation of Kv6.3 Structure
Methodology for visual representation of structure available here

Kv6.3 predicted AlphaFold size

Species Area (Å2) Reference
Human 5632.06 source
Mouse 5876.69 source
Rat 6243.30 source

Methodology for AlphaFold size prediction and disclaimer are available here

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Interaction of all Kv6.3 subunit on Kv2.1

Kv1.1 structure [664]

Whole-cell current recordings and subcellular localization of Kv2.1GFP, Kv6.3GFP and the coexpression Currents were evoked by stepping from −80 mV to +70 mV, 500 ms in duration, followed by a repolarizing pulse at −30 mV, 1 s in duration. Co-expression of Kv2.1 with Kv6.3GFP resulted in outward currents and green plasma membrane staining. This demonstrates that Kv2.1 was able to rescue the Kv6.3GFP subunits out of the ER [1708]

The profound effects of Kv6.3 on Kv2.1 gating properties suggest an important role for these heterotetramers: the latter would be inactivated at potentials close to resting potential (V½ for inactivation is −56 mV) in contrast to the homotetrameric Kv2.1 channels (V½ = −16 mV). Because both subunits are expressed in the brain functional heterotetramers could exist. Previous studies on the sustained delayed rectifier component of hippocampal neurons showed properties that are comparable with those of Kv2.1 and Kv6.3 heteromultimers. At −5 mV the two time constants for activation for the current in those neurons were 53 ms and 190 ms, which is comparable with heterotetrameric channels of Kv2.1 and Kv6.3 (Table 1). In addition, the midpoint of inactivation was more negative (−96 mV), which is at least closer to −56 mV for Kv2.1 and Kv6.3 compared with −16 mV for Kv2.1 alone [648]

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Kv6.3 regulates Kv current amplitude and kinetics observed in vascular smooth muscle cells, suggesting that the remodelling of Kv2 current could be an important determinant of the hypertensive phenotype in resistance arteries. [662], [663]

The voltage-activated potassium channel subunits Kv2.1 and Kv2.2 are capable of heteromeric assembly with members of the Kv6 subfamily, which generates channels with different biophysical properties compared with homomeric Kv2.1 channels [661], [675], [676], [648], [398]. For the influence of Kv6.3 on Kv2.1, see [664].

In Kv6.x channels the histidine residue of the zinc ion-coordinating C3H1 motif of Kv2.1 is replaced by arginine or valine. Using a yeast two-hybrid assay, we found that substitution of the corresponding histidine 105 in Kv2.1 by valine (H105V) or arginine (H105R) disrupted the interaction of the T1 domain of Kv2.1 with the T1 domains of both Kv6.3 and Kv6.4, whereas interaction of the T1 domain of Kv2.1 with itself was unaffected by this mutation [664]

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The voltage-activated K(+) channel subunit Kv2.1 can form heterotetramers with members of the Kv6 subfamily, generating channels with biophysical properties different from homomeric Kv2.1 channels. The N-terminal tetramerization domain (T1) has been shown previously to play a role in Kv channel assembly [644]



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Contributors: Rajnish Ranjan, Michael Schartner, Katherine Johnston

To cite this page: [Contributors] Channelpedia , accessed on 2025 Mar 25

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